Discover the latest trends, tips, and news about onsite call buttons and technology for businesses. Developed to give you insights to technology that you might not be aware of, but are beneficial to your business. Stay informed and stay ahead of the curve with SOLT NEWS BLOG.

Healthcare and Hospitals: How call buttons can help

The primary focus of healthcare is patient care and safety, yet delays in reaching medical personnel can sometimes put lives at risk. To address this, bedside call buttons and wireless safety call buttons have become crucial tools, improving patient outcomes and experiences.

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Why onsite paging with call buttons is essential for efficiency

SOLT Call buttons are excellent devices for communicating with back office staff, whether at a restaurant, in a hospital, or even on a yacht, out in the ocean. These devices are lightweight and compact, making them a handy device for times when your staff need to communicate with one another. In restaurants, SOLT call buttons are handy devices to help improve service levels, when there are less staff available. This helps to ensure that your customers receive the best service, so they return, time and again.

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Did you know?

Capture Technologies UK is part of a group of companies, one of which is Long Range Systems UK. LRS sells a whole range of on-site paging equipment, so if you don't find what might be useful in this SOLT news blog or on our SOLT website then please do use the contact button below to learn more about other solutions for even more sectors of business.

The whole group has been in business for well over 30 years and as experts in communications we're sure to have a great solution for most business needs .

And of course LRS sells and supports wireless two way radios and walkie talkies whether low cost, long range radios, ATEX and even LTE technology - ask about the solutions on offer and here is a link to our shop for radios

About us

SOLT NEWS BLOG is dedicated to providing valuable insights and information about wireless onsite call buttons and other technology use for business communications. Our goal is to help businesses to optimise their customer and staff communication strategies and improve efficiency.


If you want to know more about Capture Technologies UK then our website is at capturetechnologies.co.uk offers an insight in to other solutions that we have either developed or sell through this brand.


Thanks for taking an interest in our company and products.


* Note that abused, damaged or lost products are not covered under our warranty and SOLT equipment bought elsewhere only has warranty from that supplier. The Capture Technologies 2 year warranty is unique to us.